If you are in your "Trying to conceive journey" then I am sure you have read tons of articles, joined many Facebook groups for support. But it seems like they are talking in entirety different language with all these abbreviations. It can get frustrating when your talking and getting advice and you have no clue what they are talking about.
I have formed a list of the more common abbreviations that are used. Please feel free to use the comment section to add more. I'm sure there are a ton of them that I missed.
If you have an iPhone you can press this button to save it to your home screen. That way when your reading, you can always come back to it. No one expects you to remember all of them.
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AF- Aunt flow
AI- Artificial insemination
ART- Assisted reproductive technology
AFNW- Aunt Flo not wanted
ACOG- American, Congress of obstetricians and gynecologist
AFSA- Aunt flow stay away
AH- Assisted hatching
ANA- Antinuclear antibodies
AO- Anovulatory
ASRM- American Society for reproductive medicine
BD - Baby Dance (Intercourse)
BCP- Birth control pill
BFP- Big fat positive
BFN- Big fat negative
BV- Baby Vibes
BW- Bloodwork
BA- Baby Asprin
BBT- Basal body temperature
BD- Baby Dust
Baby Dust- wishing you good luck on having a baby
BOB- Baby on the brain
BBT-Basal body temperature.
This model is my absolute favorite! I have tried a couple and nothing compares. If you use the pre-mom app, this thermometer has Bluetooth sync. The best part is, when your half asleep taking your temp, you can sync it hours later to your phone. It even keeps it logged for you. Click here if you want to start tracking your BBT.
CD- Cycle day
CD 1- Cycle Day One
CM- Cervical mucus
CB- Cycle buddy
CP- Cervical position
CAH- Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
CF- Cervical fluid
DPO- Days Past Ovulation
DPT- Days Past Transfer
DE- Donor Eggs
DI- Donor insemination
DTF- Down to F**k
DTD- Doing the deed (Intercourse)
DPR- Days past retrieval
EP- Ectopic pregnancy
ENDO- Endometriosis
EPT- Early pregnancy test
EDD- Estimated due dat
ED- Erectile dysfunction
ET- Embryo transfer
EW- Egg white
EWCM- Egg white cervical mucus
EB- Endometrial biopsy
FTTA- Fertility thoughts to all
FMU- First morning urine
FET- Frozen embryo transfer
FE- Frozen embryo
FSH- Follicle-stimulating hormon FM- Fertility monitor
HCG- human chorionic gonadotropin (Pregancy hormone)
HPT- Home pregnancy test
HSG- Hysterosalpingogram
IUI- Intrauterine insemination
IVF- In vitro fertilization
IF- Infertility
IPS- Imaginary pregnancy symptoms
IC- Internet cheapie (and expensive pregnancy test usually bought on the Internet)
IR- Insulin Resistance
LSC- Low sperm count
LP- Luteal phase
LAP- Laparoscopic
LH- Luteinizing hormone
LMP- Last menstrual period
LE- Line eyes
MS- Morning sickness
M/C- Miscarriage
MF- Male factor
MFI- Male factor infertility
OPK- Ovulation prediction kit
OB- Obstetrician
OBGYN- Obstetrician gynecologist
OHSS- Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
OI- Ovulation induction
OV- Ovulation
If you are anything like me, then you are going to want to test as much as you can so you don't miss your peak. I also use the Premom app to log everything. These OPK tests are the ones that I have found to be very be the most accurate. However I also found that the Pregmate brand is the most comparable. I did use both side by side and they had the same numbers.
PG- Pregnant
PCOS- Polycystic ovarian syndrome
PID- Pelvic inflammatory disease
PN- Prenatal
PNV- Prenatal vitamin
PCT- Post-Coital test
PUPO- Pregnant until proven otherwise
POAS- Pee on a stick
POF- Premature ovarian failure
POI- Premature ovarian insufficiency
RE- Reproductive endocrinologist
RPL- Reoccurring pregnancy loss
RI- Reproductive immunologist
RB- Rainbow Baby
SB- Still birth
SPC/ SC- Sperm Count
SM- Surrogate mother
STIMS- Stimulating hormones
SOD- Sex on demand
SA: Semen analysis
TTC- Trying to Conceive
TWW- Two week wait
TI- Timed intercourse
TS- Traditional Surrogate
TW- Trigger Warning
TIA- Thanks in advance
TCOYF- Taking charge of your fertility
TESE- Testicular sperm extraction
TMI- Too much Information
TW- Trigger warning
For my TTC journey must haves please check out my blog article "My TTC journey must haves".
US- Ultrasound
VVFL- Very very faint line
VFL- Very faint line
VR-Vasectomy Reversal
ZIFT- Zygote Intrafallopian transfer
For more information about my infertility journey please click here
Please note: I am not a medical professional, and this is not medical advice. Always ask your doctor before you use anything.